Sock Monkey Smiles

Sock Monkey Smiles

Friday, December 27, 2013

Sock Monkey Army

These little guys will be bringing smiles to some people very soon!  We'll report on this special delivery!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Thank you Michelle!

Thank you to Michelle Trevisan for sending us these two cute Sock Monkeys!  We will be finding them a home soon in our first ever Sock Monkey Smiles delivery!!!

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Want to help?

Would you like to be a part of Sock Monkey Smiles and honor our sister Kris?  We would love it!  

We have found some adorable, economical Sock Monkeys at Amazon.  You can click on the link to look at the wish list:

If you order from this wish list, it will ship to us automatically.  

We will acknowledge your contribution on the blog, and be very thankful for your generosity!

Click here to meet Kris

Why Sock Monkeys?

Why Sock Monkeys?

Click here to meet Kris

If you knew Kris, you probably knew she loved Sock Monkeys!  She had many stuffed sock monkeys, a sock monkey key ring, sock monkey socks, sock monkey slippers, a flying sock monkey, a screaming sock monkey...

Below are pictures of her with Sock Monkey ornaments, a blanket, and a stuffed Sock Monkey.

As we, her sisters, were contemplating our first Christmas without her, we wanted to come up with some way to keep her included in our holiday - in a way that would make us all smile.  That's when we came up with the idea of collecting brand new sock monkeys and donating them to organizations that could use them to bring smiles to others.  We found out that most children's hospitals won't accept them because of germ concerns, but other places would gladly accept them - like homeless shelters, women/children's shelters, Toys for Tots, etc.

Our plan is to collect new sock monkeys, and donate them through the year to worthy organizations.  And the fun part - we'll document it all here on the blog so you can share in the joy!

Meet Our Sister Kris

This is our sister Kris.  She had a beautiful smile, an infectious laugh, and a kind heart.  She was a teacher, and loved to help and inspire her students.  She was a friend to many.  She was the best sister you could imagine having.

Even though we all lived miles apart from each other, we made sure to find time to get together regularly for our "Sister Weekends".  

This picture was taken last Christmas, December 2012.